/** * @file * A simple jQuery Cycle Div Slideshow Rotator. */ /** * This will set our initial behavior, by starting up each individual slideshow. */ (function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.viewsSlideshowCycle = { attach: function (context) { $('.views_slideshow_cycle_main:not(.viewsSlideshowCycle-processed)', context).addClass('viewsSlideshowCycle-processed').each(function() { var fullId = '#' + $(this).attr('id'); var settings = Drupal.settings.viewsSlideshowCycle[fullId]; settings.targetId = '#' + $(fullId + " :first").attr('id'); settings.slideshowId = settings.targetId.replace('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_', ''); settings.loaded = false; settings.opts = { speed:settings.speed, timeout:settings.timeout, delay:settings.delay, sync:settings.sync, random:settings.random, nowrap:settings.nowrap, after:function(curr, next, opts) { // Need to do some special handling on first load. var slideNum = opts.currSlide; if (typeof settings.processedAfter == 'undefined' || !settings.processedAfter) { settings.processedAfter = 1; slideNum = (typeof settings.opts.startingSlide == 'undefined') ? 0 : settings.opts.startingSlide; } Drupal.viewsSlideshow.action({ "action": 'transitionEnd', "slideshowID": settings.slideshowId, "slideNum": slideNum }); }, before:function(curr, next, opts) { // Remember last slide. if (settings.remember_slide) { createCookie(settings.vss_id, opts.currSlide + 1, settings.remember_slide_days); } // Make variable height. if (!settings.fixed_height) { //get the height of the current slide var $ht = $(this).height(); //set the container's height to that of the current slide $(this).parent().animate({height: $ht}); } // Need to do some special handling on first load. var slideNum = opts.nextSlide; if (typeof settings.processedBefore == 'undefined' || !settings.processedBefore) { settings.processedBefore = 1; slideNum = (typeof settings.opts.startingSlide == 'undefined') ? 0 : settings.opts.startingSlide; } Drupal.viewsSlideshow.action({ "action": 'transitionBegin', "slideshowID": settings.slideshowId, "slideNum": slideNum }); }, cleartype:(settings.cleartype)? true : false, cleartypeNoBg:(settings.cleartypenobg)? true : false } // Set the starting slide if we are supposed to remember the slide if (settings.remember_slide) { var startSlide = readCookie(settings.vss_id); if (startSlide == null) { startSlide = 0; } settings.opts.startingSlide = startSlide; } if (settings.effect == 'none') { settings.opts.speed = 1; } else { settings.opts.fx = settings.effect; } // Take starting item from fragment. var hash = location.hash; if (hash) { var hash = hash.replace('#', ''); var aHash = hash.split(';'); var aHashLen = aHash.length; // Loop through all the possible starting points. for (var i = 0; i < aHashLen; i++) { // Split the hash into two parts. One part is the slideshow id the // other is the slide number. var initialInfo = aHash[i].split(':'); // The id in the hash should match our slideshow. // The slide number chosen shouldn't be larger than the number of // slides we have. if (settings.slideshowId == initialInfo[0] && settings.num_divs > initialInfo[1]) { settings.opts.startingSlide = parseInt(initialInfo[1]); } } } // Pause on hover. if (settings.pause) { var mouseIn = function() { Drupal.viewsSlideshow.action({ "action": 'pause', "slideshowID": settings.slideshowId }); } var mouseOut = function() { Drupal.viewsSlideshow.action({ "action": 'play', "slideshowID": settings.slideshowId }); } if (jQuery.fn.hoverIntent) { $('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_' + settings.vss_id).hoverIntent(mouseIn, mouseOut); } else { $('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_' + settings.vss_id).hover(mouseIn, mouseOut); } } // Pause on clicking of the slide. if (settings.pause_on_click) { $('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_' + settings.vss_id).click(function() { Drupal.viewsSlideshow.action({ "action": 'pause', "slideshowID": settings.slideshowId, "force": true }); }); } if (typeof JSON != 'undefined') { var advancedOptions = JSON.parse(settings.advanced_options); for (var option in advancedOptions) { switch(option) { // Standard Options case "activePagerClass": case "allowPagerClickBubble": case "autostop": case "autostopCount": case "backwards": case "bounce": case "cleartype": case "cleartypeNoBg": case "containerResize": case "continuous": case "delay": case "easeIn": case "easeOut": case "easing": case "fastOnEvent": case "fit": case "fx": case "height": case "manualTrump": case "metaAttr": case "next": case "nowrap": case "pager": case "pagerEvent": case "pause": case "pauseOnPagerHover": case "prev": case "prevNextEvent": case "random": case "randomizeEffects": case "requeueOnImageNotLoaded": case "requeueTimeout": case "rev": case "slideExpr": case "slideResize": case "speed": case "speedIn": case "speedOut": case "startingSlide": case "sync": case "timeout": case "width": var optionValue = advancedOptions[option]; optionValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(optionValue); settings.opts[option] = optionValue; break; // These process options that look like {top:50, bottom:20} case "animIn": case "animOut": case "cssBefore": case "cssAfter": case "shuffle": var cssValue = advancedOptions[option]; cssValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(cssValue); settings.opts[option] = eval('(' + cssValue + ')'); break; // These options have their own functions. case "after": var afterValue = advancedOptions[option]; afterValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(afterValue); // transition callback (scope set to element that was shown): function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) settings.opts[option] = function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) { eval(afterValue); } break; case "before": var beforeValue = advancedOptions[option]; beforeValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(beforeValue); // transition callback (scope set to element to be shown): function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) settings.opts[option] = function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) { eval(beforeValue); } break; case "end": var endValue = advancedOptions[option]; endValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(endValue); // callback invoked when the slideshow terminates (use with autostop or nowrap options): function(options) settings.opts[option] = function(options) { eval(endValue); } break; case "fxFn": var fxFnValue = advancedOptions[option]; fxFnValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(fxFnValue); // function used to control the transition: function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, afterCalback, forwardFlag) settings.opts[option] = function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, afterCalback, forwardFlag) { eval(fxFnValue); } break; case "onPagerEvent": var onPagerEventValue = advancedOptions[option]; onPagerEventValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(onPagerEventValue); settings.opts[option] = function(zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement) { eval(onPagerEventValue); } break; case "onPrevNextEvent": var onPrevNextEventValue = advancedOptions[option]; onPrevNextEventValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(onPrevNextEventValue); settings.opts[option] = function(isNext, zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement) { eval(onPrevNextEventValue); } break; case "pagerAnchorBuilder": var pagerAnchorBuilderValue = advancedOptions[option]; pagerAnchorBuilderValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(pagerAnchorBuilderValue); // callback fn for building anchor links: function(index, DOMelement) settings.opts[option] = function(index, DOMelement) { var returnVal = ''; eval(pagerAnchorBuilderValue); return returnVal; } break; case "pagerClick": var pagerClickValue = advancedOptions[option]; pagerClickValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(pagerClickValue); // callback fn for pager clicks: function(zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement) settings.opts[option] = function(zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement) { eval(pagerClickValue); } break; case "paused": var pausedValue = advancedOptions[option]; pausedValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(pausedValue); // undocumented callback when slideshow is paused: function(cont, opts, byHover) settings.opts[option] = function(cont, opts, byHover) { eval(pausedValue); } break; case "resumed": var resumedValue = advancedOptions[option]; resumedValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(resumedValue); // undocumented callback when slideshow is resumed: function(cont, opts, byHover) settings.opts[option] = function(cont, opts, byHover) { eval(resumedValue); } break; case "timeoutFn": var timeoutFnValue = advancedOptions[option]; timeoutFnValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(timeoutFnValue); settings.opts[option] = function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) { eval(timeoutFnValue); } break; case "updateActivePagerLink": var updateActivePagerLinkValue = advancedOptions[option]; updateActivePagerLinkValue = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup(updateActivePagerLinkValue); // callback fn invoked to update the active pager link (adds/removes activePagerClass style) settings.opts[option] = function(pager, currSlideIndex) { eval(updateActivePagerLinkValue); } break; } } } // If selected wait for the images to be loaded. // otherwise just load the slideshow. if (settings.wait_for_image_load) { // For IE/Chrome/Opera we if there are images then we need to make // sure the images are loaded before starting the slideshow. settings.totalImages = $(settings.targetId + ' img').length; if (settings.totalImages) { settings.loadedImages = 0; // Add a load event for each image. $(settings.targetId + ' img').each(function() { var $imageElement = $(this); $imageElement.bind('load', function () { Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.imageWait(fullId); }); // Removing the source and adding it again will fire the load event. var imgSrc = $imageElement.attr('src'); $imageElement.attr('src', ''); $imageElement.attr('src', imgSrc); }); // We need to set a timeout so that the slideshow doesn't wait // indefinitely for all images to load. setTimeout("Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.load('" + fullId + "')", settings.wait_for_image_load_timeout); } else { Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.load(fullId); } } else { Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.load(fullId); } }); } }; Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle = Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle || {}; // Cleanup the values of advanced options. Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.advancedOptionCleanup = function(value) { value = $.trim(value); value = value.replace(/\n/g, ''); if (!isNaN(parseInt(value))) { value = parseInt(value); } else if (value.toLowerCase() == 'true') { value = true; } else if (value.toLowerCase() == 'false') { value = false; } return value; } // This checks to see if all the images have been loaded. // If they have then it starts the slideshow. Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.imageWait = function(fullId) { if (++Drupal.settings.viewsSlideshowCycle[fullId].loadedImages == Drupal.settings.viewsSlideshowCycle[fullId].totalImages) { Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.load(fullId); } }; // Start the slideshow. Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.load = function (fullId) { var settings = Drupal.settings.viewsSlideshowCycle[fullId]; // Make sure the slideshow isn't already loaded. if (!settings.loaded) { $(settings.targetId).cycle(settings.opts); settings.loaded = true; // Start Paused if (settings.start_paused) { Drupal.viewsSlideshow.action({ "action": 'pause', "slideshowID": settings.slideshowId, "force": true }); } // Pause if hidden. if (settings.pause_when_hidden) { var checkPause = function(settings) { // If the slideshow is visible and it is paused then resume. // otherwise if the slideshow is not visible and it is not paused then // pause it. var visible = viewsSlideshowCycleIsVisible(settings.targetId, settings.pause_when_hidden_type, settings.amount_allowed_visible); if (visible) { Drupal.viewsSlideshow.action({ "action": 'play', "slideshowID": settings.slideshowId }); } else { Drupal.viewsSlideshow.action({ "action": 'pause', "slideshowID": settings.slideshowId }); } } // Check when scrolled. $(window).scroll(function() { checkPause(settings); }); // Check when the window is resized. $(window).resize(function() { checkPause(settings); }); } } }; Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.pause = function (options) { $('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_' + options.slideshowID).cycle('pause'); }; Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.play = function (options) { Drupal.settings.viewsSlideshowCycle['#views_slideshow_cycle_main_' + options.slideshowID].paused = false; $('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_' + options.slideshowID).cycle('resume'); }; Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.previousSlide = function (options) { $('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_' + options.slideshowID).cycle('prev'); }; Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.nextSlide = function (options) { $('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_' + options.slideshowID).cycle('next'); }; Drupal.viewsSlideshowCycle.goToSlide = function (options) { $('#views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_' + options.slideshowID).cycle(options.slideNum); }; // Verify that the value is a number. function IsNumeric(sText) { var ValidChars = "0123456789"; var IsNumber=true; var Char; for (var i=0; i < sText.length && IsNumber == true; i++) { Char = sText.charAt(i); if (ValidChars.indexOf(Char) == -1) { IsNumber = false; } } return IsNumber; } /** * Cookie Handling Functions */ function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else { var expires = ""; } document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) { return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } } return null; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name,"",-1); } /** * Checks to see if the slide is visible enough. * elem = element to check. * type = The way to calculate how much is visible. * amountVisible = amount that should be visible. Either in percent or px. If * it's not defined then all of the slide must be visible. * * Returns true or false */ function viewsSlideshowCycleIsVisible(elem, type, amountVisible) { // Get the top and bottom of the window; var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height(); var docViewLeft = $(window).scrollLeft(); var docViewRight = docViewLeft + $(window).width(); // Get the top, bottom, and height of the slide; var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top; var elemHeight = $(elem).height(); var elemBottom = elemTop + elemHeight; var elemLeft = $(elem).offset().left; var elemWidth = $(elem).width(); var elemRight = elemLeft + elemWidth; var elemArea = elemHeight * elemWidth; // Calculate what's hiding in the slide. var missingLeft = 0; var missingRight = 0; var missingTop = 0; var missingBottom = 0; // Find out how much of the slide is missing from the left. if (elemLeft < docViewLeft) { missingLeft = docViewLeft - elemLeft; } // Find out how much of the slide is missing from the right. if (elemRight > docViewRight) { missingRight = elemRight - docViewRight; } // Find out how much of the slide is missing from the top. if (elemTop < docViewTop) { missingTop = docViewTop - elemTop; } // Find out how much of the slide is missing from the bottom. if (elemBottom > docViewBottom) { missingBottom = elemBottom - docViewBottom; } // If there is no amountVisible defined then check to see if the whole slide // is visible. if (type == 'full') { return ((elemBottom >= docViewTop) && (elemTop <= docViewBottom) && (elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop) && (elemLeft >= docViewLeft) && (elemRight <= docViewRight) && (elemLeft <= docViewRight) && (elemRight >= docViewLeft)); } else if(type == 'vertical') { var verticalShowing = elemHeight - missingTop - missingBottom; // If user specified a percentage then find out if the current shown percent // is larger than the allowed percent. // Otherwise check to see if the amount of px shown is larger than the // allotted amount. if (amountVisible.indexOf('%')) { return (((verticalShowing/elemHeight)*100) >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } else { return (verticalShowing >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } } else if(type == 'horizontal') { var horizontalShowing = elemWidth - missingLeft - missingRight; // If user specified a percentage then find out if the current shown percent // is larger than the allowed percent. // Otherwise check to see if the amount of px shown is larger than the // allotted amount. if (amountVisible.indexOf('%')) { return (((horizontalShowing/elemWidth)*100) >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } else { return (horizontalShowing >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } } else if(type == 'area') { var areaShowing = (elemWidth - missingLeft - missingRight) * (elemHeight - missingTop - missingBottom); // If user specified a percentage then find out if the current shown percent // is larger than the allowed percent. // Otherwise check to see if the amount of px shown is larger than the // allotted amount. if (amountVisible.indexOf('%')) { return (((areaShowing/elemArea)*100) >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } else { return (areaShowing >= parseInt(amountVisible)); } } } })(jQuery);